Monday, March 30, 2015

Top Ten: Pinterest, Tumblr, & Instagram

1. Pinterest: Counseling Activities ***
This Pinterest page has 816 pins of different counseling worksheets, activities, games, and resources. It is appropriate for a variety of settings and can provide great ideas for session. This page also includes themed holiday activities.

2. Pinterest: Mental Health ****
This page is great because it combines psychoeducation with supportive quotes and resources. There are 2,678 pins that cover how the brain works in relation to mental illness, to coping skills, to brief ways to notice if you or a loved one are having mental health issues.

3. Pinterest: Mindfulness ***
This page has 986 pins with mindfulness techniques, pictures, and quotes. It is a great page to go to if you need a quick refresher and some uplifting ideas and reminders.

4. Tumblr: Let’s Talk Mental Health ****
This page covers several mental health issues, provides personal accounts of experiences with mental health issues, and provides information and resources. The layout of the page is attractive and creates a safe environment for people to educate themselves.

5. Tumblr: Mental Health Consumer ***
This page provides information about how to get help. It also has an array of inspirational pictures and quotes to provide comfort and support, while providing the information needed to take steps to cope with mental illness.

6. Tumblr: Daily Zazen ****
This tumblr site focuses primarily on three things: mindfulness, simplicity, and practice. It provides various pictures with mindfulness related quotes that provide support and instruction in the pursuit of living a mindful vs. mindless existence.

7. Instagram: Your Mental Health ***
This instagram provides definitions of different mental illnesses and supportive ideas in regards to coping. It provides awareness for issues such as sexual assault, depression, anxiety, anger issues, suicide, etc.

8. Instagram: Break Yo Stigma ***
What is great about his page is it not only provides information related to mental illness but is centered on self-acceptance and breaking the stigmas associated with mental illness. It provides resources, information, support, and new ways to think about what you are going through.

9. Instagram: The Blues Project ***
This page in particular focuses on depression. It provides information and resources regarding depression and also supportive instagram posts with inspirational quotes and pictures aimed at helping people cope.

10. Instagram: Hope for the Day **
This page focuses on being empowering. Whether you are dealing with a mental illness or not, this site wants to help you feel strong and empowered in your everyday life dealing with everyday stressors.

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