Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Seven Ways to Maximize Studying for Final Exams!

I know as we all approach final exam week we are overwhelmed with papers to write, tests to study for, and preparations for whatever the future may hold. Today I am going to cover a few brief strategies for dealing with end of the semester stress.

(1) Avoid cramming!
-It is best to study in 20-50 minute intervals with 5-10 minute breaks in between intervals. It is also helpful to give yourself a week or two at least to complete your studying.

(2) Avoid all-nighters!
-Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, but for your mental/emotional/physical well being it is best to give yourself enough time in advance to be able to avoid staying up all night. All-nighters interfere with your sleep schedule and have negative effects on your memory, reasoning, and mood.

(3) Time management!
-This goes hand and hand with the first two. Appropriately planning out assignments and studying is a great way to reduce anxiety. It can be helpful to have a planner or calendar with all your assignments written out to best comprehend how much work you have and when to begin working towards each assignment.

(4) Change up where you study!
C litter change of environment can help you feel less bored and aid you in focusing. Try out different locations such as your room, the library, a coffee place, a friend's place, etc.

(5) Do practice tests and use flashcards!
-These are highly effective studying techniques and are beneficial because they test what you know instead of what you recognize.

(6) Exercise!
-It make feel wrong to make time for exercise instead of studying, but a bit of exercise (especially cardio) can help to improve your memory!

(7) Eat healthy! Pack snacks!
-It feels good to eat comfort food under the duress of finals stress, but eating properly will help you brain and body to function more efficiently.


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